St Luke’s School was developed by Swindon Borough Council to provide students with behavioural, emotional and social difficulties, with a safe and secure learning environment. With this in mind, Swindon Borough Council took great care and consideration on who they appointed to carry out these works. We were selected due to our approach, and methodology when working in and around the school, and our continuous focus on the happiness of the staff and students whilst on site.
Our works involved
- Asbestos removal
- External electric blinds
- External insulation
- New footpaths
- New fencing / access controls
- Grasscrete roads
- Internal partitioning
- Decoration
- New data and electrics
- Legionella control / remedial works to the water supply system
Site specific issue
The key driver for success was not only keeping the staff and students at the forefront of our delivery strategy but also on achieving the Council’s tight programme. With a late contract award, and short lead-in times for sub-contractors and suppliers, we had to quickly utilise our approved supply chain. We worked closely with our client and selected subcontractors to ensure we started work promptly and we are pleased to say we a completed the project on time, to budget and most importantly to the expectations of our client and the school
Value: £350,000
Completion: December 2015